अखिल नेपाल किसान महासंघ
All Nepal Peasants’ Federation-ANPFa
Balram Banskota, Chairperson
Pramesh Pokharel, Secretary General
The All Nepal Peasants Federation is an umbrella association of Nepali
peasants fighting against feudalism, imperialism and neo-liberalism. It is
fighting for the agrarian reform and peasants’ rights for the last 6 decades
since its inception in 1951. The membership of ANPFa is 11,50,000. ANPFa
is the largest peasant federation in Nepal with an alliance of 23 national
level subjects specific producers’ organizations. It is a membership-based
mass organization having its structure in all 5 development regions, 14
zones and 75 districts of Nepal. It had been very active in mobilizing masses
for democratic freedom, peasants right and land reform in the past and
of recently for food sovereignty, right to food and climate justice. It has
played decisive part in various movements of democratic peasants uprising
and restoration of people’s sovereignty along with women and youth
movements of Nepal. Thus its role in peoples movement I and II along with
comprehensive peace agreement of 2006 was vibrant.
ANPFa launchED various campaignS and lobbying activities on Food
Sovereignty and Right to Food and advocacy at people’s inclusive
participation focusing on indigenous marginalized, disadvantaged people,
women and Dalits. It has also been conducting various advocacies,
campaign and awareness programs and researches at grass roots on
climate crisis market economy hazards, land governance and grabbing,
aid effectiveness, debt illegitimacy peasants’ rights and other issues closely
related to peasants and agriculture.